Benavidez (Argentina)

Arneg carried out the complete equipment of the new Makro branch in Benavidez, Province of Buenos Aires, the first store of the chain in Argentina that uses only natural gases for refrigeration equipment.
In this location, 108 refrigerated merchandisers and 20 refrigerated cameras were installed, totaling more than 2500m2 of PIR foam sandwich panels from the FRONT COLD line with swing, sliding and swing refrigerated doors, generating process rooms, medium-temperature chambers and frozen chambers.
Regarding the design of the refrigeration system, a state-of-the-art cold center was installed, using CO2 as a refrigerant. This technology is friendly to the environment since it uses a 100% natural refrigerant (CO2) and strongly reduces the installed electrical power, the volume of refrigerant used and energy consumption. It is made up of seven compressors; three for medium temperature, three for low temperature and a parallel compressor for flash gas management. In addition, the installation designed by ARNEG has a centralized control with remote monitoring that allows proper monitoring of the system's operation remotely.
For the sales room, the wall displays with glass doors of the OSAKA Line were chosen, which, thanks to their fully glazed design, present an excellent vision of the products offered in the different Meat, Dairy and Cold Cuts areas, at the same time that deliver a low energy consumption solution optimizing the conservation of the products. The open wall displays are from the PANAMA line and were used for Fruits and Vegetables, standing out for their great display capacity.
The assisted sales showcases correspond to the VENEZIA model, with a large load and display capacity.
The sales room is completed with the self-contained URANO and PEGASO model wells, which are equipped with INVERTER technology and PROPANE refrigerant gas, generating the best ecological option for caring for the environment, energy efficiency and favoring a quieter installation.
*More information:
The main characteristics of CO2 as a refrigerant are:
- It is a 100% natural refrigerant and complies with international standards that are gradually limiting the use of synthetic refrigerants.
- It is not flammable and it is not toxic.
- It has an ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) = 0 and a GWP (Global Warming Potential) = 1. This means that it has no negative impact on the environment.
- It is a low cost and widely available refrigerant.
The refrigeration plant used to supply the local refrigeration consumption is the ARNEG LBST CO2 TRANSCRITIC model. This compact format model is made up of: 3 LV compressors, 3 MV compressors and 1 parallel compressor for flash gas management. The main compressors of each stage have a frequency inverter for the partialization of their power, delivering greater efficiency to the system.
The capacity partitioning is managed by the main controller according to the instantaneous refrigeration requirement, varying the frequency of the main compressors, combined with the start of the remaining compressors. The Gas Cooler has electronic fans with variable speed depending on the external temperature condition.